Riparian forest dynamics in semi-arid river basins
Along semi-arid and Mediterranean-climate rivers, flood disturbance and drought are important drivers of riparian forest dynamics because they regulate habitat creation, tree mortality, and resource fluxes of water and nutrients critical for growth. I am working in riparian ecosystems in California and southern Europe to understand the drivers of riparian forest dynamics, and to assess their sustainability under changing land uses, climate and streamflow regimes.
Along the middle reach of the Sacramento River, CA, California's largest river, we are studying the community dynamics of forests dominated by Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), a keystone riparian tree in river ecosystems of the U.S. southwest. We documented a little-known pathway for forest initiation in abandoned channels, and are using quantitative simulation models to predict corridor-wide forest response to likely scenarios of flow regulation and floodplain development. Along the Rhône River in SE France, we are documenting riparian forest structure, community dynamics, and accumulation of carbon pools on reaches impacted by 19th century navigation infrastructure and 20th century flow regulation. Together with collaborators in California and France, we are providing this research as guidance for river corridor planning and conservation under multiple management constraints. In prior work, my lab conducted field studies and experiments on mechanisms of riparian seedling establishment along regulated rivers in California's Central Valley. A major stressor to riparian communities in semi-arid regions is the lack of tree recruitment on regulated rivers as a result of modifications to the flow regime. These studies include demography and competition, ecophysiology and isotope biogeochemistry, and environmental controls on life history timing of riparian trees. This research provides quantitative criteria for river managers to slow the decline of riparian forests along regulated rivers by optimizing natural recruitment with the highest degree of certainty and lowest water cost. Collaborators:
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