***undergrad advisee; ** grad advisee; *other student contributor
Pu, G.*, L.J. Quackenbush, J.C. Stella. In review. Quantifying restored riparian buffer delineation accuracy and detectability in multitemporal imagery. Ecological Engineering
Lochin, P.*, P. Malherbe, B. Marteau, J. Godfroy, F. Gerle, J. Marshall, S Puijalon, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, A. Vernay. In review. The Ant and the Grasshopper: contrasting responses and behaviors to water stress of riparian trees along a hydroclimatic gradient. Science of the Total Environment
Lochin, P.*, H. Piégay, J.C. Stella, K.K. Caylor, L. Vaudor, M.B. Singer. In review. Drivers of spatiotemporal patterns of riparian forest greenness along a hydroclimatic gradient. Ecohydrology
Rohde, M.M.**, C.M. Albano, X. Huggins, K.R. Klausmeyer, C. Morton, A. Sharman, E. Zaveri, L. Saito, Z. Freed, J.K. Howard, N. Job, H. Richter, K. Toderick, A-S Rodella, T. Gleeson, J. Huntington, H.A. Chandanpurkar, A.J. Purdy, J.S. Famiglietti, M.B. Singer, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, J.C. Stella. In press. Groundwater-dependent ecosystem map exposes global dryland protection needs. Nature.
Williams, J.**, J.C. Stella, M.B Singer, A.M. Lambert, S.L. Voelker,, J.E. Drake,, J.M. Friedman,, L. Pelletier**,, L. Kui, D.A. Roberts. 2024. Seasonal and species-level water-use strategies and groundwater dependence in dryland riparian woodlands during extreme drought. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1029/2023WR035928
Rohde, M.M.**, J.C. Stella, M.B. Singer, D. A. Roberts, K. Caylor, C.M. Albano. 2024. Groundwater for Ecosystems: Establishing ecological thresholds and targets for groundwater management. Nature Water DOI: 10.1038/s44221-024-00221-w. Nature Water News and Views feature: s44221-024-00229-2
McMahon, C.*, D.A. Roberts, J.C. Stella, A. Trugman, M.B. Singer, K.K. Caylor. 2024. A river runs through it: robust automated mapping of riparian woodlands and land surface phenology across dryland regions. Remote Sensing and the Environment DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114056
Jessamy, J.**, J.E. Drake, J.C. Stella. 2024. Persistent legacies of discrimination predict urban forest structure and composition across a socioeconomic gradient. Landscape and Urban Planning DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105018
Fichot, R., M. Lefebvre*, M. Pégard, D. Chassagnaud, M. Bliard, J. Ferdinand, F. Laurans, D. Le Thiec, A. Deveau, J.C. Stella, P. Rozenberg, M. Villar. 2024. Distinct trait syndromes and plasticity maintain similar performance between seedlings populations of the riparian tree species Populus nigra L. Environmental and Experimental Botany. DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105598
Kibler, C.L.*, A.T. Trugman, D.A. Roberts, C.J. Still, R.L. Scott, K.K. Caylor, J.C. Stella, M.B. Singer. 2023. Evapotranspiration regulates leaf temperature and respiration in dryland vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109560
Kua, Z.X., C.M. Davis, L.A. Townley, J.C. Stella, S.B. Shaw. 2023. Analyzing the impact of agricultural BMPs on stream nutrient load and biotic health in the Susquehanna-Chemung Basin of New York. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117521
Warter, M.M.*, M.B. Singer, D. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, R. Sabathier, M.O. Cuthbert, J.C. Stella. 2023. Modeling seasonal vegetation phenology from hydroclimatic drivers for contrasting plant functional groups within drylands of the Southwestern USA. Environmental Research: Ecology DOI: 10.1088/2752-664X/acb9a0
Sabathier, R.*, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, K.L. Jaeger, J.D. Olden. 2023. High resolution spatiotemporal patterns of flow at the landscape scale in montane non-perennial streams. River Research and Applications 39:225-240 DOI: 10.1002/rra.4076
Williams, J.**, J.C. Stella, S.L. Voelker, A.M. Lambert, L. Pelletier, J.E. Drake, J.M. Friedman, D.A. Roberts, M.B. Singer. 2022. Local groundwater decline exacerbates response of dryland riparian woodlands to climatic drought. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16376
Beslity, J.*, S.B. Shaw, J.E.. Drake, J. Fridley, J.C. Stella, J. Stark, K. Singh. 2022. A low cost, low power sap flux device for distributed and intensive monitoring of tree transpiration. HardwareX e00351 DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2022.e00351
Jayasuriya, M.T.*, R.H. Germain, J.C. Stella. 2022. Applying the "Goldilocks Rule" to Riparian Buffer Widths for Forested Headwater Streams across the Contiguous US – How Much Is "Just Right"? Forests. DOI: 10.3390/f13091509
Bywater-Reyes, S., R.M. Diehl, A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, and L. Kui. 2022. Green New Balance: interactions among riparian vegetation plant traits and morphodynamics in alluvial rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 47:2410–2436. DOI: 10.1002/esp.5385
Rodríguez-González, P., S. Dufour, J.C. Stella, et al. 2022. Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management. WIRE Water. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1604
Rohde, M.M.**, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, M.B. Singer. 2021. Groundwater dependence of riparian woodlands and the disrupting effect of anthropogenically altered streamflow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2026453118
Kibler, C.L.*, E.C. Schmidt*, D.A. Roberts, J.C. Stella, L. Kui, A.M. Lambert, M. Singer. 2021. A brown wave of riparian woodland mortality following groundwater declines during the 2012-2019 California drought. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1377
Stella, J.C., L. Kui, G.H. Golet, F. Poulsen. 2021. A dynamic riparian forest structure model for predicting large wood inputs to meandering rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.5229
Jayasuriya, M.T.*, J.C. Stella, R.H. Germain. 2021. Can Understory Plant Composition and Richness Help Designate Riparian Management Zones in Mesic Headwater Forests of the Northeastern United States? Journal of Forestry DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab034
Sabathier, R.*, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor. 2021. Vegetation responses to climatic and geologic controls on water availability in southeastern Arizona. Environmental Research Letters 16 : (ERL-109499) DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abfe8c
Warter, M.M.*, M.B. Singer, M.O. Cuthbert, D.A. Roberts, K. Caylor, R. Sabathier*, J.C. Stella. 2021. Drought onset and propagation into soil moisture and grassland vegetation responses during the 2012–2019 major drought in Southern California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). DOI: 10.5194/hess-25-3713-2021
Haynes, K.R.*, J. Friedman, J.C. Stella, D.J. Leopold. 2021. Assessing climate change tolerance and the niche breadth-range size hypothesis in rare and widespread plants. Oecologia DOI: 10.1007/s00442-021-05003-9
Stephan, E.*, T. Endreny, P. Groffman, P.G. Vidon, J.C. Stella. 2021. Interacting drivers and their tradeoffs for predicting denitrification potential across a strong urban to rural gradient within heterogeneous landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113021
Janssen P., J.C. Stella, B. Räpple**, C.R. Gruel**, G. Seignemartin*, B. Pont, S. Dufour, H. Piégay. 2020. Long-term river management legacies strongly alter riparian forest attributes and constrain restoration strategies along a large, multi-use river. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111630
Mayes, M., K. Caylor, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, P. Nagler. 2020. Climate sensitivity of water use by riparian woodlands at landscape scales. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13942
Diehl, R.M., A.W. Wilcox and J.C. Stella. 2020. Evaluation of the integrated riparian ecosystem response to future flow regimes on semiarid rivers. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111037
Mahoney, M.***, J.C. Stella. 2020. Stem size selectivity is stronger than species preferences for beaver, a central place forager. Forest Ecology and Management. DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118331
Kua, Z.X.**, J.C. Stella, J.M. Farrell. 2020. Local disturbance by muskrat, an ecosystem engineer, enhances plant diversity in regionally-altered wetlands. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3256
Janssen P., J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, B. Räpple**, B. Pont, J-M Faton, J.H.C. Cornelissen, A. Evette. 2020. Divergence of riparian forest composition and functional traits from natural succession along a degraded river with multiple stressor legacies. Science of the Total Environment 720. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137730
Lightbody, A., Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, K.W. Skorko, S. Bywater-Reyes, A.C. Wilcox. 2019. Riparian vegetation and sediment supply regulate the morphodynamic flood response of an experimental stream to floods. Frontiers in Environmental Science (Freshwater Science section). DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00040
Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, R. M. Diehl, A.C. Wilcox, A. Lightbody, L.S. Sklar. 2018. Can environmental flows moderate riparian invasions? The influence of seedling morphology and density on scour losses in experimental floods. Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13235
Matzek, V., J.C. Stella, P. Ropion*. 2018. Development of a carbon calculator tool for riparian restoration. Applied Vegetation Science DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12400
Thorel, M., H. Piégay, C. Barthélémy, B. Räpple**, C-R Gruel*, P. Marmonier, T. Winiarsky, J-P Bedell, F. Arnaud*, G. Roux, J.C. Stella, G. Seignemartin*, A. Tena-Pagan, V. Wawrzyniak*, D. Roux-Michollet, B. Oursel, S. Fayolle, C. Bertrand*, E. Franquet. 2018. Socio-environmental stakes associated with process-based restoration strategies in large rivers: should we remove novel ecosystems along the Rhône (France)? Regional Environmental Change DOI: 10.1007/s10113-018-1325-7
Räpple, B.**, H. Piégay, J.C. Stella, D. Mercier*. 2017. What drives riparian vegetation establishment in river channels at patch to corridor scales? Insights from annual airborne surveys (Drôme River, SE France). Ecohydrology DOI: 10.1002/eco.1886
Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, P.B. Shafroth, P.K. House, A.C. Wilcox. 2017. The long-term legacy of geomorphic and riparian vegetation feedbacks on the dammed Bill Williams River, Arizona, USA. Ecohydrology DOI:10.1002/eco.1839
Ledford, S.H.*, L.K. Lautz, P.G. Vidon, J.C. Stella. 2017. Impact of seasonal changes in stream metabolism on nitrate concentrations in an urban stream. Biogeochemistry DOI:10.1007/s10533-017-0336-7
Diehl, R.M., A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, L. Kui*, L. Sklar, A. Lightbody. 2016. Fluvial sediment supply and pioneer woody seedlings as a control on bar-surface topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:10.1002/esp.4017 [pdf]
Hultine, K.R., K.C. Grady, T.E. Wood, S.M. Shuster, J.C. Stella, T.G. Whitham. 2016. Climate change perils for dioecious plant species. Nature Plants. DOI:10.1038/nplants.2016.109 [pdf]
Ledford, S.H.*, L.K. Lautz, J.C. Stella. 2016. Hydrogeologic processes impacting storage, fate, and transport of chloride from road salt in urban riparian aquifers. Environmental Science and Technology 50: 4979–4988 DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b00402 [pdf]
Kui, L.* and J.C. Stella. 2016. Fluvial sediment burial increases mortality of riparian tree seedlings but induces compensatory growth response in survivors. Forest Ecology and Management, 366. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.02.001 [pdf]
Bywater-Reyes, S.*, A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, and A.F. Lightbody. 2015. Flow and scour constraints on uprooting of pioneer woody seedlings, Water Resources Research, 51. DOI:10.1002/2014WR016641 [pdf]
Dixon, M.D. and J.C. Stella. 2015. Temporal variability in hydrology modifies the influence of geomorphology on wetland distribution along a desert stream: a commentary on Dong et al. 2015. Journal of Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.12499 [pdf]
Bishop, D.A.*, C.M. Beier, N. Pedersen, G.B. Lawrence, J.C. Stella, T.J. Sullivan. 2015. Regional growth decline in sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and potential causes. Ecosphere. DOI:10.1890/ES15-00260.1 [pdf]
Manners, R., A.C. Wilcox, L. Kui*, A. Lightbody, J.C. Stella, L. Sklar. 2015. When do plants modify fluvial processes?
Plant-hydraulic interactions under variable flow and sediment supply rates. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth
Surface. DOI:10.1002/2014JF003265 [pdf]
Kui, Li*, J.C. Stella, A. Lightbody, A.C. Wilcox. 2014. Ecogeomorphic feedbacks and flood loss of riparian tree seedlings in meandering channel experiments. Water Resources Research. 50, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015719 [pdf]
Dufour, S., M.K. Hayden*, J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, J.J. Battles. 2014 Maintaining channel abandonment processes increases riparian plant diversity within fluvial corridors. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1546 [pdf]
Riddle, J., N. Pedersen, J.C. Stella, D.L. Leopold. 2014. Shifting climate sensitivity and contrasting growth trends in Juniperus species growing together at opposite range margins. Tree-Ring Research 70:101–111. DOI:10.3959/1536-1098-70.2.101 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., J. Riddle*, H. Piégay, M. Gagnage*, M-L. Trémélo. 2013. Climate and local geomorphic interactions drive patterns of riparian forest decline along a Mediterranean Basin river. Geomorphology. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.01.013 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., P. Rodríguez-González, S. Dufour, J. Bendix. 2012. Riparian vegetation research in Mediterranean-climate regions: common patterns, ecological processes, and considerations for management. Hydrobiologia DOI:10.1007/s10750-012-1304-9 [pdf]
Eallonardo, A. S.*, D.J. Leopold, J.D. Fridley and J.C. Stella. 2012. Salinity tolerance and the decoupling of resource axis plant traits. Journal of Vegetation Science. DOI:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01470.x [pdf]
Singer, M.B., J.C. Stella, S. Dufour, L.B. Johnstone*, H. Piégay, and R.J.S. Wilson. 2012. Contrasting water uptake and growth responses to drought in co-occurring riparian tree species. Ecohydrology. DOI:10.1002/eco.1283 [pdf]
Beier C.M., Stella J.C., Dovçiak M., McNulty S.A. 2012. Local climatic drivers of changes in phenology at a boreal-temperate ecotone in eastern North America. Climatic Change DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0455-z [pdf]
Schifman, L.A.*, J.C. Stella, M. Teece and T.A. Volk. 2012. Plant growth and water stress response of hybrid willow (Salix spp.) among sites and years in central New York. Biomass & Bioenergy 36: 316-326 DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.10.042 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., M.K. Hayden*, J.J. Battles, H. Piégay, S. Dufour, and A.K. Fremier. 2011. The role of abandoned channels as refugia for sustaining pioneer riparian forest ecosystems. Ecosystems 14: 776-790. DOI:10.1007/s10021-011-9446-6 [pdf]
Harper, E.B., J.C. Stella, A.K. Fremier. 2011. Global sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models: a case study of riparian cottonwood population dynamics. Ecological Applications 21: 1225-1240. DOI:10.1890/10-0506.1 [pdf]
Downs, P.W., M.S. Singer, B.K. Orr, Z.E. Diggory, T.C. Church, and J.C. Stella. 2011. Restoring ecological integrity in highly regulated rivers: The role of baseline data and analytical references. Environmental Management 48:847-864. DOI:10.1007/s00267-011-9736-y
Stella, J.C., and J.J. Battles. 2010. How do riparian woody seedlings survive seasonal drought? Oecologia 164:579–590. DOI:10.1007/s00442-010-1657-6 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., J.J. Battles, J.R. McBride, B.K. Orr. 2010. Riparian seedling mortality from simulated water table recession, and the design of sustainable flow regimes on regulated rivers. Restoration Ecology 18: 284-294. DOI:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00651.x [pdf]
Rodríguez-González, P.M., J.C. Stella, F. Campelo, T. Ferreira, A. Albuquerque. 2010. Subsidy or stress? Tree structure and growth in wetland forests along a hydrological gradient in southern Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 2015–2025. DOI:10.1007/s10021-005-0138-y [pdf]
Stella, J.C., J.J. Battles, B.K. Orr, J.R. McBride. 2006. Synchrony of seed dispersal, hydrology and local climate in a semi-arid river reach in California. Ecosystems 9:1200-1214. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-005-0138-y [pdf] [1]
Stella, J.C. and J. Bendix. 2018. Chapter 5: Multiple stressors in riparian ecosystems. In Multiple stressors in river ecosystems: status, impacts and prospects for the future (S. Sabater, A. Elosegi, R. Ludwig, Eds.). Elsevier, San Diego. ISBN: 9780128117132 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811713-2.00005-4
Orr, B.K., A.G. Merrill, Z.E. Diggory, J.C. Stella. 2017. Use of the biophysical template for riparian restoration and revegetation in the Southwest. In: Ralston, B.E., and Sarr, D.A., Eds. Case studies of riparian and watershed restoration in the southwestern United States—principles, challenges, and successes. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1091, 116 p. DOI: 10.3133/ofr20171091
Sabater, S., X. Timoner, G. Bornette, M. de Wilde, J.C. Stromberg, J.C. Stella. 2016. The biota of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: algae and vascular plants. In Intermittent Rivers: Ecology and Management (T. Datry, N. Bonada and A. Boulton, Eds.). Elsevier, San Diego. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-803835-2.00016-4
Stella, J.C., H. Piégay, J.D. Riddle, C. Gruel*, B. Räpple**. 2015. Riparian forest impacts and dynamics on large rivers managed for multiple uses; insights from the Sacramento (California, USA) and Rhône (France). Proceedings of the Second Integrative Sciences and Sustainable Development of Rivers (IS Rivers) Conference, Lyon, France, 22–26 June 2015.
Räpple, B.**, K. Michel, H. Piégay, R. Dunford, D. Mercier*, J.C. Stella. 2015. Caracteristiques et dynamique de la vegetation riveraine sur la riviere Drôme: analyses à partir d’images aeriennes de très haute résolution. Proceedings of the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) annual congress. Paris, France, April 2015.
Bendix, J., and J.C. Stella. 2013. Riparian Vegetation and the Fluvial Environment: A Biogeographic Perspective. In Treatise on Geomorphology 12: Ecogeomorphology (D. Butler and C. Hupp, Eds.). Elsevier, San Diego. DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00322-5 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., J.D. Riddle, J.J. Battles, M.K. Hayden*, and A.K. Fremier. 2012. Riparian forest dynamics on a large, regulated river (California, USA): impacts and implications for management. Proceedings of the Integrative Sciences and Sustainable Development of Rivers (IS Rivers) Conference, Lyon, France, 26–28 June 2012. [pdf]
Skorko, K.*, A. Lightbody, L. Kui**, J.C. Stella, A.C. Wilcox. 2012. Hydraulic and topographic response of sand-be rivers to riparian vegetation presence and patterns: field-scale laboratory methods and results. Proceedings of the Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference (HMEM 2012). Snowbird, UT.
Stella, J.C., J.C. Vick, B.K. Orr. 2004. Riparian vegetation dynamics on the Merced River. The Wilderness Society Riparian Floodplains Conference Proceedings.Sacramento, CA. March 2001. [pdf]
Stella, J.C. 1998. The Greywacke Cover-up. Soil Survey Horizons 39(4): 127-130.
Stella, J.C. and L. Kui**. 2015. Large Woody Debris enhancement model for Sacramento River Environmental Flow Tool (SacEFT). Prepared for The Nature Conservancy. Chico, CA.
Wilcock, P., J.C. Stella, D. Orth and Atkins Environmental. 2012. Senior scientific review of Trinity River Restoration Program, Fiscal Year 2013 Preliminary Science Workplan. Provided to the Trinity Management Council (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Partners).
Stella, J.C.. 2012. Senior scientific review of Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, Directed Vegetation Research. Nebraska Community Foundation, Inc.
Stella, J.C. 2011. Yuba River Riparian Study: Cottonwood Limiting Factors Analysis. Prepared for Yuba County Water Agency. Yuba River Development Project, FERC Project No. 2246.
Stillwater Sciences. 2006. Restoring recruitment processes for riparian cottonwoods and willows: a field-calibrated predictive model for the lower San Joaquin Basin. Prepared for CALFED Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration Program, Sacramento, California. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences and Dr. J.C. Stella, in conjunction with Dr. J.J. Battles and Dr. J.R. McBride, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley. Download Brochure | Download Full Report (PDF) [3]
Stillwater Sciences. 2006. Merced River Ranch revegetation experiment. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California, for CALFED, Sacramento, California. Download (PDF) [4]
Stillwater Sciences. 2002. Merced River corridor restoration plan. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California for CALFED Bay-Delta Program, Sacramento, California. Download (PDF) [5]
Stillwater Sciences. 2001. Merced River Restoration Plan Phase II. Volume II: Baseline evaluations; geomorphic and riparian vegetation investigations. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California for CALFED Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration Program, Sacramento, California. Download (PDF) [6]
Research featured in Forests Round the Bend, a special issue on riparian restoration efforts on the Sacramento River. 2003. Science-In-Action Newsletter, pp. 4 – 9. CALFED Bay-Delta Program. Sacramento, CA. Download (PDF) [7]
***undergrad advisee; ** grad advisee; *other student contributor
Pu, G.*, L.J. Quackenbush, J.C. Stella. In review. Quantifying restored riparian buffer delineation accuracy and detectability in multitemporal imagery. Ecological Engineering
Lochin, P.*, P. Malherbe, B. Marteau, J. Godfroy, F. Gerle, J. Marshall, S Puijalon, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, A. Vernay. In review. The Ant and the Grasshopper: contrasting responses and behaviors to water stress of riparian trees along a hydroclimatic gradient. Science of the Total Environment
Lochin, P.*, H. Piégay, J.C. Stella, K.K. Caylor, L. Vaudor, M.B. Singer. In review. Drivers of spatiotemporal patterns of riparian forest greenness along a hydroclimatic gradient. Ecohydrology
Rohde, M.M.**, C.M. Albano, X. Huggins, K.R. Klausmeyer, C. Morton, A. Sharman, E. Zaveri, L. Saito, Z. Freed, J.K. Howard, N. Job, H. Richter, K. Toderick, A-S Rodella, T. Gleeson, J. Huntington, H.A. Chandanpurkar, A.J. Purdy, J.S. Famiglietti, M.B. Singer, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, J.C. Stella. In press. Groundwater-dependent ecosystem map exposes global dryland protection needs. Nature.
Williams, J.**, J.C. Stella, M.B Singer, A.M. Lambert, S.L. Voelker,, J.E. Drake,, J.M. Friedman,, L. Pelletier**,, L. Kui, D.A. Roberts. 2024. Seasonal and species-level water-use strategies and groundwater dependence in dryland riparian woodlands during extreme drought. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1029/2023WR035928
Rohde, M.M.**, J.C. Stella, M.B. Singer, D. A. Roberts, K. Caylor, C.M. Albano. 2024. Groundwater for Ecosystems: Establishing ecological thresholds and targets for groundwater management. Nature Water DOI: 10.1038/s44221-024-00221-w. Nature Water News and Views feature: s44221-024-00229-2
McMahon, C.*, D.A. Roberts, J.C. Stella, A. Trugman, M.B. Singer, K.K. Caylor. 2024. A river runs through it: robust automated mapping of riparian woodlands and land surface phenology across dryland regions. Remote Sensing and the Environment DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114056
Jessamy, J.**, J.E. Drake, J.C. Stella. 2024. Persistent legacies of discrimination predict urban forest structure and composition across a socioeconomic gradient. Landscape and Urban Planning DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105018
Fichot, R., M. Lefebvre*, M. Pégard, D. Chassagnaud, M. Bliard, J. Ferdinand, F. Laurans, D. Le Thiec, A. Deveau, J.C. Stella, P. Rozenberg, M. Villar. 2024. Distinct trait syndromes and plasticity maintain similar performance between seedlings populations of the riparian tree species Populus nigra L. Environmental and Experimental Botany. DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105598
Kibler, C.L.*, A.T. Trugman, D.A. Roberts, C.J. Still, R.L. Scott, K.K. Caylor, J.C. Stella, M.B. Singer. 2023. Evapotranspiration regulates leaf temperature and respiration in dryland vegetation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109560
Kua, Z.X., C.M. Davis, L.A. Townley, J.C. Stella, S.B. Shaw. 2023. Analyzing the impact of agricultural BMPs on stream nutrient load and biotic health in the Susquehanna-Chemung Basin of New York. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117521
Warter, M.M.*, M.B. Singer, D. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, R. Sabathier, M.O. Cuthbert, J.C. Stella. 2023. Modeling seasonal vegetation phenology from hydroclimatic drivers for contrasting plant functional groups within drylands of the Southwestern USA. Environmental Research: Ecology DOI: 10.1088/2752-664X/acb9a0
Sabathier, R.*, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor, K.L. Jaeger, J.D. Olden. 2023. High resolution spatiotemporal patterns of flow at the landscape scale in montane non-perennial streams. River Research and Applications 39:225-240 DOI: 10.1002/rra.4076
Williams, J.**, J.C. Stella, S.L. Voelker, A.M. Lambert, L. Pelletier, J.E. Drake, J.M. Friedman, D.A. Roberts, M.B. Singer. 2022. Local groundwater decline exacerbates response of dryland riparian woodlands to climatic drought. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16376
Beslity, J.*, S.B. Shaw, J.E.. Drake, J. Fridley, J.C. Stella, J. Stark, K. Singh. 2022. A low cost, low power sap flux device for distributed and intensive monitoring of tree transpiration. HardwareX e00351 DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2022.e00351
Jayasuriya, M.T.*, R.H. Germain, J.C. Stella. 2022. Applying the "Goldilocks Rule" to Riparian Buffer Widths for Forested Headwater Streams across the Contiguous US – How Much Is "Just Right"? Forests. DOI: 10.3390/f13091509
Bywater-Reyes, S., R.M. Diehl, A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, and L. Kui. 2022. Green New Balance: interactions among riparian vegetation plant traits and morphodynamics in alluvial rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 47:2410–2436. DOI: 10.1002/esp.5385
Rodríguez-González, P., S. Dufour, J.C. Stella, et al. 2022. Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management. WIRE Water. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1604
Rohde, M.M.**, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, M.B. Singer. 2021. Groundwater dependence of riparian woodlands and the disrupting effect of anthropogenically altered streamflow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2026453118
Kibler, C.L.*, E.C. Schmidt*, D.A. Roberts, J.C. Stella, L. Kui, A.M. Lambert, M. Singer. 2021. A brown wave of riparian woodland mortality following groundwater declines during the 2012-2019 California drought. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1377
Stella, J.C., L. Kui, G.H. Golet, F. Poulsen. 2021. A dynamic riparian forest structure model for predicting large wood inputs to meandering rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.5229
Jayasuriya, M.T.*, J.C. Stella, R.H. Germain. 2021. Can Understory Plant Composition and Richness Help Designate Riparian Management Zones in Mesic Headwater Forests of the Northeastern United States? Journal of Forestry DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab034
Sabathier, R.*, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, K.K. Caylor. 2021. Vegetation responses to climatic and geologic controls on water availability in southeastern Arizona. Environmental Research Letters 16 : (ERL-109499) DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abfe8c
Warter, M.M.*, M.B. Singer, M.O. Cuthbert, D.A. Roberts, K. Caylor, R. Sabathier*, J.C. Stella. 2021. Drought onset and propagation into soil moisture and grassland vegetation responses during the 2012–2019 major drought in Southern California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). DOI: 10.5194/hess-25-3713-2021
Haynes, K.R.*, J. Friedman, J.C. Stella, D.J. Leopold. 2021. Assessing climate change tolerance and the niche breadth-range size hypothesis in rare and widespread plants. Oecologia DOI: 10.1007/s00442-021-05003-9
Stephan, E.*, T. Endreny, P. Groffman, P.G. Vidon, J.C. Stella. 2021. Interacting drivers and their tradeoffs for predicting denitrification potential across a strong urban to rural gradient within heterogeneous landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113021
Janssen P., J.C. Stella, B. Räpple**, C.R. Gruel**, G. Seignemartin*, B. Pont, S. Dufour, H. Piégay. 2020. Long-term river management legacies strongly alter riparian forest attributes and constrain restoration strategies along a large, multi-use river. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111630
Mayes, M., K. Caylor, M.B. Singer, J.C. Stella, D.A. Roberts, P. Nagler. 2020. Climate sensitivity of water use by riparian woodlands at landscape scales. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13942
Diehl, R.M., A.W. Wilcox and J.C. Stella. 2020. Evaluation of the integrated riparian ecosystem response to future flow regimes on semiarid rivers. Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111037
Mahoney, M.***, J.C. Stella. 2020. Stem size selectivity is stronger than species preferences for beaver, a central place forager. Forest Ecology and Management. DOI : 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118331
Kua, Z.X.**, J.C. Stella, J.M. Farrell. 2020. Local disturbance by muskrat, an ecosystem engineer, enhances plant diversity in regionally-altered wetlands. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3256
Janssen P., J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, B. Räpple**, B. Pont, J-M Faton, J.H.C. Cornelissen, A. Evette. 2020. Divergence of riparian forest composition and functional traits from natural succession along a degraded river with multiple stressor legacies. Science of the Total Environment 720. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137730
Lightbody, A., Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, K.W. Skorko, S. Bywater-Reyes, A.C. Wilcox. 2019. Riparian vegetation and sediment supply regulate the morphodynamic flood response of an experimental stream to floods. Frontiers in Environmental Science (Freshwater Science section). DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00040
Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, R. M. Diehl, A.C. Wilcox, A. Lightbody, L.S. Sklar. 2018. Can environmental flows moderate riparian invasions? The influence of seedling morphology and density on scour losses in experimental floods. Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13235
Matzek, V., J.C. Stella, P. Ropion*. 2018. Development of a carbon calculator tool for riparian restoration. Applied Vegetation Science DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12400
Thorel, M., H. Piégay, C. Barthélémy, B. Räpple**, C-R Gruel*, P. Marmonier, T. Winiarsky, J-P Bedell, F. Arnaud*, G. Roux, J.C. Stella, G. Seignemartin*, A. Tena-Pagan, V. Wawrzyniak*, D. Roux-Michollet, B. Oursel, S. Fayolle, C. Bertrand*, E. Franquet. 2018. Socio-environmental stakes associated with process-based restoration strategies in large rivers: should we remove novel ecosystems along the Rhône (France)? Regional Environmental Change DOI: 10.1007/s10113-018-1325-7
Räpple, B.**, H. Piégay, J.C. Stella, D. Mercier*. 2017. What drives riparian vegetation establishment in river channels at patch to corridor scales? Insights from annual airborne surveys (Drôme River, SE France). Ecohydrology DOI: 10.1002/eco.1886
Kui, L.**, J.C. Stella, P.B. Shafroth, P.K. House, A.C. Wilcox. 2017. The long-term legacy of geomorphic and riparian vegetation feedbacks on the dammed Bill Williams River, Arizona, USA. Ecohydrology DOI:10.1002/eco.1839
Ledford, S.H.*, L.K. Lautz, P.G. Vidon, J.C. Stella. 2017. Impact of seasonal changes in stream metabolism on nitrate concentrations in an urban stream. Biogeochemistry DOI:10.1007/s10533-017-0336-7
Diehl, R.M., A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, L. Kui*, L. Sklar, A. Lightbody. 2016. Fluvial sediment supply and pioneer woody seedlings as a control on bar-surface topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:10.1002/esp.4017 [pdf]
Hultine, K.R., K.C. Grady, T.E. Wood, S.M. Shuster, J.C. Stella, T.G. Whitham. 2016. Climate change perils for dioecious plant species. Nature Plants. DOI:10.1038/nplants.2016.109 [pdf]
Ledford, S.H.*, L.K. Lautz, J.C. Stella. 2016. Hydrogeologic processes impacting storage, fate, and transport of chloride from road salt in urban riparian aquifers. Environmental Science and Technology 50: 4979–4988 DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b00402 [pdf]
Kui, L.* and J.C. Stella. 2016. Fluvial sediment burial increases mortality of riparian tree seedlings but induces compensatory growth response in survivors. Forest Ecology and Management, 366. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.02.001 [pdf]
Bywater-Reyes, S.*, A.C. Wilcox, J.C. Stella, and A.F. Lightbody. 2015. Flow and scour constraints on uprooting of pioneer woody seedlings, Water Resources Research, 51. DOI:10.1002/2014WR016641 [pdf]
Dixon, M.D. and J.C. Stella. 2015. Temporal variability in hydrology modifies the influence of geomorphology on wetland distribution along a desert stream: a commentary on Dong et al. 2015. Journal of Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.12499 [pdf]
Bishop, D.A.*, C.M. Beier, N. Pedersen, G.B. Lawrence, J.C. Stella, T.J. Sullivan. 2015. Regional growth decline in sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and potential causes. Ecosphere. DOI:10.1890/ES15-00260.1 [pdf]
Manners, R., A.C. Wilcox, L. Kui*, A. Lightbody, J.C. Stella, L. Sklar. 2015. When do plants modify fluvial processes?
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Kui, Li*, J.C. Stella, A. Lightbody, A.C. Wilcox. 2014. Ecogeomorphic feedbacks and flood loss of riparian tree seedlings in meandering channel experiments. Water Resources Research. 50, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015719 [pdf]
Dufour, S., M.K. Hayden*, J.C. Stella, H. Piégay, J.J. Battles. 2014 Maintaining channel abandonment processes increases riparian plant diversity within fluvial corridors. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1546 [pdf]
Riddle, J., N. Pedersen, J.C. Stella, D.L. Leopold. 2014. Shifting climate sensitivity and contrasting growth trends in Juniperus species growing together at opposite range margins. Tree-Ring Research 70:101–111. DOI:10.3959/1536-1098-70.2.101 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., J. Riddle*, H. Piégay, M. Gagnage*, M-L. Trémélo. 2013. Climate and local geomorphic interactions drive patterns of riparian forest decline along a Mediterranean Basin river. Geomorphology. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.01.013 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., P. Rodríguez-González, S. Dufour, J. Bendix. 2012. Riparian vegetation research in Mediterranean-climate regions: common patterns, ecological processes, and considerations for management. Hydrobiologia DOI:10.1007/s10750-012-1304-9 [pdf]
Eallonardo, A. S.*, D.J. Leopold, J.D. Fridley and J.C. Stella. 2012. Salinity tolerance and the decoupling of resource axis plant traits. Journal of Vegetation Science. DOI:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01470.x [pdf]
Singer, M.B., J.C. Stella, S. Dufour, L.B. Johnstone*, H. Piégay, and R.J.S. Wilson. 2012. Contrasting water uptake and growth responses to drought in co-occurring riparian tree species. Ecohydrology. DOI:10.1002/eco.1283 [pdf]
Beier C.M., Stella J.C., Dovçiak M., McNulty S.A. 2012. Local climatic drivers of changes in phenology at a boreal-temperate ecotone in eastern North America. Climatic Change DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0455-z [pdf]
Schifman, L.A.*, J.C. Stella, M. Teece and T.A. Volk. 2012. Plant growth and water stress response of hybrid willow (Salix spp.) among sites and years in central New York. Biomass & Bioenergy 36: 316-326 DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.10.042 [pdf]
Stella, J.C., M.K. Hayden*, J.J. Battles, H. Piégay, S. Dufour, and A.K. Fremier. 2011. The role of abandoned channels as refugia for sustaining pioneer riparian forest ecosystems. Ecosystems 14: 776-790. DOI:10.1007/s10021-011-9446-6 [pdf]
Harper, E.B., J.C. Stella, A.K. Fremier. 2011. Global sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models: a case study of riparian cottonwood population dynamics. Ecological Applications 21: 1225-1240. DOI:10.1890/10-0506.1 [pdf]
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Stella, J.C., J.J. Battles, J.R. McBride, B.K. Orr. 2010. Riparian seedling mortality from simulated water table recession, and the design of sustainable flow regimes on regulated rivers. Restoration Ecology 18: 284-294. DOI:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00651.x [pdf]
Rodríguez-González, P.M., J.C. Stella, F. Campelo, T. Ferreira, A. Albuquerque. 2010. Subsidy or stress? Tree structure and growth in wetland forests along a hydrological gradient in southern Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 2015–2025. DOI:10.1007/s10021-005-0138-y [pdf]
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Orr, B.K., A.G. Merrill, Z.E. Diggory, J.C. Stella. 2017. Use of the biophysical template for riparian restoration and revegetation in the Southwest. In: Ralston, B.E., and Sarr, D.A., Eds. Case studies of riparian and watershed restoration in the southwestern United States—principles, challenges, and successes. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1091, 116 p. DOI: 10.3133/ofr20171091
Sabater, S., X. Timoner, G. Bornette, M. de Wilde, J.C. Stromberg, J.C. Stella. 2016. The biota of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: algae and vascular plants. In Intermittent Rivers: Ecology and Management (T. Datry, N. Bonada and A. Boulton, Eds.). Elsevier, San Diego. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-803835-2.00016-4
Stella, J.C., H. Piégay, J.D. Riddle, C. Gruel*, B. Räpple**. 2015. Riparian forest impacts and dynamics on large rivers managed for multiple uses; insights from the Sacramento (California, USA) and Rhône (France). Proceedings of the Second Integrative Sciences and Sustainable Development of Rivers (IS Rivers) Conference, Lyon, France, 22–26 June 2015.
Räpple, B.**, K. Michel, H. Piégay, R. Dunford, D. Mercier*, J.C. Stella. 2015. Caracteristiques et dynamique de la vegetation riveraine sur la riviere Drôme: analyses à partir d’images aeriennes de très haute résolution. Proceedings of the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) annual congress. Paris, France, April 2015.
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Skorko, K.*, A. Lightbody, L. Kui**, J.C. Stella, A.C. Wilcox. 2012. Hydraulic and topographic response of sand-be rivers to riparian vegetation presence and patterns: field-scale laboratory methods and results. Proceedings of the Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference (HMEM 2012). Snowbird, UT.
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Wilcock, P., J.C. Stella, D. Orth and Atkins Environmental. 2012. Senior scientific review of Trinity River Restoration Program, Fiscal Year 2013 Preliminary Science Workplan. Provided to the Trinity Management Council (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Partners).
Stella, J.C.. 2012. Senior scientific review of Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, Directed Vegetation Research. Nebraska Community Foundation, Inc.
Stella, J.C. 2011. Yuba River Riparian Study: Cottonwood Limiting Factors Analysis. Prepared for Yuba County Water Agency. Yuba River Development Project, FERC Project No. 2246.
Stillwater Sciences. 2006. Restoring recruitment processes for riparian cottonwoods and willows: a field-calibrated predictive model for the lower San Joaquin Basin. Prepared for CALFED Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration Program, Sacramento, California. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences and Dr. J.C. Stella, in conjunction with Dr. J.J. Battles and Dr. J.R. McBride, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley. Download Brochure | Download Full Report (PDF) [3]
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